CM/ECF is an Internet-based document filing system. The District of Utah has implemented CM/ECF, an electronic filing and case management system. CMECF stands for Case Management / Electronic Case Filing. The District of Utah provides electronic access to case information on civil cases filed with the Court since July 1989, and criminal cases filed with the court since November 1992. Exceptions include cases that have been sealed by order of a judge and social security cases. This system permits users to search for a case by entering a party name or case number. Documents began to be scanned to TIF format, and available electronically on a limited basis in November 1998. By the year 2000, most documents were being either scanned to PDF or converted electronically to PDF text format, and available through WebPACER. CM/ECF allows attorneys to electronically file (e-file) motions and pleadings over the internet with the Court. These filings are immediately placed on the court's official docket sheet and the system immediately sends attorneys and the judge e-mail notice of all filings in cases in which they are involved, including minute entries and orders. CM/ECF is governed by the Administrative Procedures. All members of the Court's Bar, active and pro hac, should register as electronic filers and file case documents electronically. CMECF provides internet access to case information to all public users. Retrieving dockets and electronically filed documents requires a PACER account and the Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader software (or equivalent), which is available at no cost over the Internet. A PDF document creator, such as Adobe Acrobat Standard (or any one of many other PDF creation software equivalents ) is required to prepare documents for filing. |