Under DUCivR 83-1.1 and 83-1.2, some attorneys must pay annual registration or pro hac vice fees. These fees are separate from the initial admission fee as required by 28 U.S.C. § 1914. The annual registration and pro hac vice fees are deposited into the court’s Attorney Admission Fund and constitute a source of non-appropriated funds to be used only for purposes that benefit the bench and the bar in the administration of justice.
The District of Utah has adopted and implemented the Attorney Admission Fund Management Plan to establish standards and procedures for management and use of the Fund. Hyperlinks in the Plan to the Guide to Judiciary Policy will not be accessible to those outside of the Federal Judiciary. Under the Plan, an Attorney Admission Fund Committee has been established to advise the court on matters of policy in the administration and approval of expenditures from the Fund.
Attorney Admission Fund Committee Members and Terms
Attorney Members:
Lesley A. Manley, Chair - three-year term
Susan L. Hunt, Southern Region Representative - three-year term
Dick J. Baldwin - two-year term
Judge Members:
Magistrate Judge Daphne A. Oberg - three-year term
District Judge David Barlow - two-year term
Request for Funding
Section VI of the Plan identifies authorized and prohibited expenditures of funds. A request for funding, and a later request for disbursement, must be in writing on the committee-approved form - Attorney Admission Fund Approval Request Form. Please send a request for funding at least 30 days in advance of the event or expenditure to allow the Committee adequate time to review the request.
Guidelines for Funding
Use the Form to request pre-approval of anticipated expenses and expenditures.
Requests for pre-approval must attach a proposed expense budget along with any supporting documentation (e.g., vendor quotes, prices, sales tax or shipping estimates).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Purchases made by the Attorney Admission Fund are not tax exempt.
Where to Send the Form
The completed Form and supporting documents must be sent to UTD_AAF_Committee@utd.uscourts.gov.