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General Information

Hours of Operation | Court ClosuresCalling the Court | Court Divisions | Court Locations
Disability Access | Number of Judges | Court Caseload | Magistrate Judge Authority
Bankruptcy Court | Appeals Court | Procedural Rules | Civil and Criminal Dockets
U.S. Courts Library | FAQ


Hours of Operation

The Office of the Clerk is open between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m (Mountain Time) Monday through Friday.


Court Closures

The court will be closed on the following days:

  • New Year's Day, January 1
  • Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Third Monday in January)
  • Presidents' Day (Third Monday in February)
  • Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)
  • Juneteenth National Independence Day, June 19
  • Independence Day, July 4
  • Pioneer Day, July 24
  • Labor Day (First Monday in September)
  • Columbus Day (Second Monday in October)
  • Veterans' Day, November 11
  • Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday in November)
  • Christmas Day, December 25
    (For holidays that fall on a Saturday, the Friday prior will usually be treated the observed holiday.  For holidays that fall on a Sunday, the Monday following will usually be treated as observed holiday.)

Calling the Court

Call us at (801) 524-6100 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday except government holidays. If you have trouble getting through, dial (801) 524-6111 for the automated receptionist. CM/ECF Help Desk call (801) 524-6100.

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Court Divisions

District of Utah Map (by county)


  • Counties:
    • Box Elder
    • Cache
    • Davis
    • Morgan
    • Rich
    • Weber


  • Counties:
    • Carbon
    • Daggett
    • Duchesne
    • Juab
    • Salt Lake
    • Summit
    • Tooele
    • Uintah
    • Utah
    • Wasatch

Southern Region

  • Counties:
    • Beaver
    • Emery
    • Garfield
    • Grand
    • Iron
    • Kane
    • Millard
    • Piute
    • San Juan
    • Sanpete
    • Sevier
    • Washington
    • Wayne

Court Locations

All court records are maintained at the headquarters location, the U.S. Courthouse. The courthouse is located at 351 South West Temple at the corner of Fourth South and West Temple in downtown Salt Lake City. All district judges have chambers and courtrooms in Salt Lake City.

Proceedings in St. George are held at the State of Utah 5th District Court, located at 206 West Tabernacle in courtroom 2B.

Map to the U.S. Courthouse
Click on the link to get driving directions, or print the map
Map by MapQuest

Disability Access

The U.S. Courthouse is wheelchair-accessible through a ramp located on West Temple at the west end of the courthouse. Public elevators provide access to all courthouse floors. Handicapped parking is available at the public, pay parking lot just south of 400 South.


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Number of Judges

The court's complement of judicial officers includes five active district court judges, seven senior district judges, four full-time magistrate judges, one part-time magistrate judge and one recall magistrate judge.

Court Caseload

  • Civil Case Filings: approximately 1100 cases a year
  • Criminal Case Filings: 900 cases a year

Magistrate Judge Authority

For more information about the authority of a magistrate judge, please visit Consent to the Jurisdiction of a Magistrate Judge in Civil Cases and Questions and Answers.

Bankruptcy Court

The United States Bankruptcy Court is an adjunct to the district court. Its jurisdiction is based upon statute, and matters are referred to it by a general order of reference issued by the district court judges. The reference can be withdrawn in a specific case, upon motion before the district court. Decisions of the bankruptcy court can be appealed to the district court or to the bankruptcy appellate panel.

There are three bankruptcy court judges and a separate clerk's office for the bankruptcy court. The Bankruptcy Court is housed at the Frank E. Moss Courthouse at 350 S. Main St. on the third floor.

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Appeals Court

Final decisions of the district court are appealable to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in Denver, Colorado. There is also a specialized United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington, D.C. which hears certain types of appeals involving patents and copyrights. Approximately 190 cases were appealed last year to the Tenth Circuit.

Procedural Rules

Practice is governed by the Federal Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure. Bankruptcy proceedings are governed by the Federal Bankruptcy Rules. The District of Utah's Local Rules of Practice supplement the federal rules. Printed copies are available from the clerk for a modest fee or you may download them from this website.

Civil and Criminal Case Dockets

The dockets for all civil cases filed after July 1989 and for all criminal cases opened during or after November 1992 are maintained electronically. The dockets for these cases may be viewed on computers located in the lobby of the clerk's office or through PACER. Dockets for most civil cases filed prior to July 1989 and for most criminal cases filed prior to November 1992 are maintained and available on paper.

Initially some cases were entered into the electonic docket system in summary or skeleton version during the transition from manual to automated docketing. This means that only significant entries were entered to provide an outline of the major events that transpired in the case up to the time that case was converted from manual to automated mode. All subsequent docket entries are on the automated system.

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U.S. Courts Law Library

The Ronald N. Boyce Law Library is located in room 5.200 of the Federal Courthouse at 351 S. West Temple. The phone number is (801)535-4220. The doors are open and it is staffed from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The library maintains a small collection. The main focus of the collection is on materials relating to federal law. The collection's strengths are in the areas of intellectual property, civil rights, federal procedure, criminal law, and jury instructions.


The library maintains a collection of reference books and materials for use by the judges, judicial and court staff, the bar and the public. The library is left open on the honor system, although like all courthouses the library is under video surveillance.

Library materials do not circulate to the bar or the general public.


The library has a copy machine for public use. Patrons may make up to 30 copies at no charge.