Courtroom: 7.200
Chambers: 9.420
Courtroom Deputy and Chambers Phone Number: Anndrea Sullivan-Bowers - 801-524-6600
Chambers Email:
Law Clerks:
cases ending in 1, 3, 5 (including those with trailing 0's) - 801-524-6601
cases ending in 2, 4, 6 (including those with trailing 0's) - 801-524-6603
cases ending in 7, 8, 9 (including those with trailing 0's) - 801-524-6602
Court Reporter: To Be Assigned
Scheduling Clerk:
civil cases - Please contact the law clerk assigned to the case.
criminal cases - Please contact the Courtroom Deputy.
Docketing Clerk: 801-524-6124