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Magistrate Judge Paul Kohler

Magistrate Judge Kohler resides in Washington County. He manages pretrial matters, and is referred all civil and criminal cases in the Southern Region of the Central Division of the District of Utah. For more infomation about the St. George Courthouse, please click here

I. Proposed Orders:

In addition to attaching a copy of the order to the motion, a copy of all proposed orders must be directly e-mailed to chambers at the following address: Proposed orders e-mailed to chambers must be editable and in word processing format.

II. Courtesy Copies:

Courtesy copies are required for dispositive motions and associated memoranda and exhibits. Copies of administrative records in Social Security Administration appeals are required and must be bound in a three-ring binder.

For further information, see the ECF Procedures Manual.

Updated: 11/17/2022